Shopping is my Cardio

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

About Last Weekend...

I'm new to this whole blogging thing, and I didn't realize that I had saved this post as a draft instead of publishing it. Better late than never, I suppose.
So last weekend, I had the pleasure of attending the Alberta-British Columbia District Convention, and discovered that not all conventions are tedious and boring - just most of them! Truthfully, once I had an idea of what was going on, it was actually quite interesting (now that I have admitted that, I'll probably be 'appointed' to a floor comittee at every convention from now till I die). Our committee dealt with business arising from the report of the Department of Outreach. Thrilling. There was some lively debate (along with some not-so-lively nitpicking regarding the wording of amendments to amendments and the placement of commas and other such nonsense), but everything we set out to do was accomplished. Way to be, floor committee #1!
Long days and late nights makes Nat a tired girl, so it will probably take a few days to recover.
It's nice to see people you don't get to see very often - is there such a thing as 'networking' in the church? Or is it always that Lutheran game of trying to figure out if you are in some way related to everyone present. We could call it "6 degrees of Martin Luther."
Anyway, the most exciting part of the weekend (besides seeing my parents - Hi mom and dad!) was hearing that my nephew was born on Sunday! Benjamin was born at 12:35 (just as we were lining up for the buffet). He's pretty cute, if you ask me...but I'm totally biased. We're heading to CowTown on the 13th for a little baby-shower action.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Spring is in the air...

Ahhhh...Spring is here! And you know what that means - itchy eyes from the dry grass, mini eggs (with peanut butter) and, for all the church workers out there, placement services (which in turn means a new outfit)!
We are eagerly awaiting the May 5 seminary placement service when we will find out where M will be placed for vicarage. At this point, we know what the possibilities are. Since inquiring minds want to know, they are:
1. Redeemer: Kitimat, BC
2. Zion: Golden Spike, AB
3. Immanuel: Lethbridge, AB (their first choice is to have a first-year pastor, but they will take a vicar if there are no pastoral candidates available.)
4. Saving Grace, Peace, St. Paul's and St. Paul: Canora, Kamsack, Springside, and Togo, SK
5. Christ and Immanuel: MacNutt and Landestreu, SK
6. Good Shepherd: Regina, SK
7. Mt. Olive: Regina, SK
8. St. Paul's: Saskatoon, SK
9. Redeemer: Waterloo, ON
10. Redeemer, St. Matthew, and St. Paul: Gatineau, Inlet, and Politmore, QC (same deal as Lethbridge)
I think there are 7 or so vicars to be placed, so we'll see what God has in store for us!

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

My First Post

Look at me! I'm blogging! I heard all the cool kids had blogs, so naturally, I had to get one too.
Please forgive the lameness of this first post - it is kind of a test to see how things work. I guess the main point of this blog is to keep you all up to date on the fabulous and exciting things that are happening in my life. And, if nothing fabulous or exciting is happening...maybe I'll make something up.
Hope you enjoy reading it!