1, 2...1, 2...This is Just a Test

I have been having trouble adding photos on the blog, but now I'm determined to figure it out.
Looks like it worked! Hooray!
This is our cat, Dixie. She is 4 years old, she likes cat food and chicken-flavoured "pounce" treats. In her free time, she likes to frolic in the back yard while wearing her harness, and chase a flourescent ping pong ball all over the house. Oh yah...she likes to sleep. A lot.
Now that we're all better friends, I'll let you know that there is not much going on these days. M is back from his cultural immersion trip, and everyone around us seems to be packing up and getting ready to head out. Hopefully there will be some more exciting stuff to write about in the near future!
Hmmm... I think you forgot to mention that Dixie the cat is verrrry protective of her mommy and daddy, and likes to swat visitors with her powerful forelimbs.
Glad the photo upload worked out! :)
Dixie likes to wreck me in terrible ways. I get nothing but hissing for all my affections. And some smacks with a firm open palm. I have it coming.
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