Blessed Advent!
So here we are, only a day until Christmas...
I know it has been a while since I have updated, but I also know that you will quickly get over it as you read this super-exciting post.
I have always loved the season of Advent - it puts me in a reflective kind of mood. The altar guild ladies here go all out with the decorations. They put up 2 Christmas trees decorated in white lights and gold tones.

In addition to that, there is the most beautiful Advent wreath I have ever seen! The wreath is a 5-foot fround metal frame which is wrapped in about 75 feet of cedar garland. It is suspended above the aisle by red ribbons (and some safety wires, but all you see are the ribbons).
Then, in the windows (not pictured here) they put a pine branch with 5 taper candles - these will be lit on Christmas eve. I've been assured they're not a fire hazard, but we'll see...
This is my first Christmas away from my family (sniff, sniff...) but don't you worry - we are in good hands! There is a German service at 5:00 on Christmas Eve (when all good Lutherans open their presents), and the English service is at 7pm. I'm singing with the choir and we have a beautiful arrangement (I hope that's the right word) of "The First Noel." I sing soprano. How exciting! After church we are going to Pastor Azevedo's house.
On Christmas Day, Murray is preaching and then we are heading out to Kingsville (about an hour's drive out toward Lake Erie) to spend the evening with Philip - my mom's cousin - and his wife, Eva.
Anyway, I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas!