The Trip, by numbers
Hours in the car: 38
Provinces visited: 4 (AB, SK, MB, ON)
States visited: 6 (ND, MN, WI, IL, IN, MI)
Different beds slept in: 7
Total amount paid to Chicago toll booths: $5.80 (US)
Total amount to cross the Ambassador Bridge from Detroit to Winsdor: $4.00 (CDN)
Hours of listening to crazy Evangelical preachers in the Fargo area: way too many.
Scary, scary stops at scary ghetto gas stations outside Chicago where a scary guy who must have been a pimp was driving a scary Snoop Dogg-style car with hydroulics: 1 (and that was enough).
Minutes shopped at the mall of America: 45
Distance in miles from the Mall to our hotel: 0.5 (or 1/2 if you're American)
Number of kilometers in a mile: 1.6 or so.
Number of vicars who were relieved to arrive in Windsor: 1
Number of vicars who are seriously excited about Detroit sporting events such as Lions and Tigers (and Chicago bears, oh my!) :1
Number of vicars who did an awesome job on their first Sunday in Windsor: 1
Square footage of our kitchen countertop: 2'x2'. That's it.
Number of orange cats that are happy to be with their Mommy and Daddy: 1