oooooooo....THE MALL!

This was it - the big day!
We woke up bright and early in Glenboro, hopped in the car and drove for a really, really long time until we got to the place where the mall is. (this is the condensed version, since I told you about the pretty farmland and all that junk earlier.)
We checked into our hotel, dumped off our luggage, and boarded the free shuttle that took us right to the Happiest Place on Earth.
Okay, the Second Happiest Place on Earth.

We only had about 45 minutes of shopping time, so we prioritized carefully. Actually, Murray walked briskly behind me and I prioritized. We checked out the Lego megastore, Camp Snoopy amusement park, Victoria's Secret (I probably wasn't supposed to tell you that...) and Bath&Body Works. And a candy store. And J Crew.
It was all so exciting, I can't really put it into words. After the stores closed, we stayed for a bite to eat at Ruby Tuesdays which, as far as I can tell, is very much like Kelsey's but with a salad bar.
The Mall is 3 storeys high in most places, which makes for easier navigation than say, WEM which is 8 blocks long and takes even the most experienced mall-walker at least 15 minutes to get from end to end. And that's not efficient use of one's time now, is it?
Murray was a good sport through it all, trudging along behind me with a seriously swollen leg from a hornet sting/bite which happened the previous morning on the golf course. What a trooper!
After all the excitement, we re-boarded the shuttle (when really we could have walked because it was about half a mile from the hotel to the mall). We're so lazy.
three storeys! that makes so much more sense. stupid WEM.
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